Matt Clark

Full Name:

Professor Matt Clark

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Matt Clark

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Life Sciences Department

Job Title:

Research Leader


I worked in genomics since my BSc in Biochemistry at Imperial. First at ICRF (now CRUK), then Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (Berlin), and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Until this point my model system was Zebrafish, and I published various resources including the genome sequence. After this I set up my lab at the new BBSRC genomics institute TGAC (The Genome Analysis Centre) now called the Earlham Institute. Here I lead a project to sequence the wheat genome, and to test and develop a variety of new technologies. I then moved to NIAB to continue crop genomics and to NHM to use the historical collections especially around agriculture.

Research Interests:

Next generation sequencing, new technologies, bioinfomratics, wheat, genetics

Exemplar Projects

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