Juliet Brodie

Full Name:

Prof. Juliet Brodie

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Juliet Brodie

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Life Sciences Department

Job Title:

Merit Researcher, Phycology


I am a Merit Researcher in Phycology at the Natural History Museum, London. With over 35 years experience, I have published > 150 publications and 86 talks, 6 including plenaries, 2 presidential addresses and 31 invited talks. My expertise is in seaweeds, notably in the red algae and I specialize in seaweeds in a time of rapid environmental change. My research includes biodiversity discovery; genomic approaches to macroalgae microbiomes, taxonomy, phylogenetics, conservation, seaweed aquaculture and structural colour. My research has taken me to many parts of the world, including the Falkland Islands and South Georgia. I have received several awards, including the 2020 Linnean Medal for Botany and the Plantlife Award for Outstanding Contribution to Plant Conservation in 2007, and am currently President-Elect of the Phycological Society of America.

Research Interests:

Red, green and brown seaweeds; biodiversity; taxonomy, phylogenetics, the concept of the holobiont; microbiomes; conservation; seaweed aquaculture; structural colour; climate change; ocean acidification; SDGs; invasive species; citizen science.

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