The response of the Antarctic ice sheet to stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and carbon dioxide removal
A systems thinking approach to investigating the environmental sustainability and finding solutions for single-use plastic and polystyrene waste from fishers in Indonesia.
Temporal and spatial distribution of microplastics in the sediments of UK rural and urban lakes
Antarctica’s contribution to long-term future sea level rise: constraining uncertainty using the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period
Developing annually-resolved chronologies of abrupt climate events during the Last Glacial Interglacial Transition (LGIT)
Ecomorphological Diversification of Crocodile-Line Archosaurs Across the Triassic/Jurassic Boundary
Sex, success, and resisting extinction: the genetic basis and fitness effects of meiotic drive in two species of the Malaysian stalk-eyed fly.
Testing the interactions between chemical weathering and glaciation cycles using novel isotope tracers.
A comprehensive assessment of volcanic hazard and mitigation strategies at remote volcanoes: Manam, Papua New Guinea
Understanding generalism and specialism in parasitoid wasps: an evolutionary, genomic and behavioural perspective
The Impact of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation on Intermediate and Deep Ocean Circulation
Assessing Antillean manatee trophic ecology, habitat and survival status in Northern Brazil
Enhancing overland flow tsunami modelling across urban topography with novel statistical emulation
Ecological baselines, biodiversity conservation and human-wildlife co-existence – opportunities and insights from natural history collections
Environmental Assessment of Chemical Contamination from Abandoned Coal and Mineral Mines: A multidisciplinary approach
Dynamics of flocking in birds: the role of individual recognition and social learning