Name: Eva McClean
Phone Number: 07500015607
Degree: Biological Sciences
Department: GEE
Institution: UCL
Year of Study in September 2018: [788]
Expected Grade: [797]
Please outline why you wish to be considered for this placement:
Catfish are an unbelievably diverse group of fish, yet there is still so much more diversity to be uncovered. The fact that this study will help to uncover some of this incredible diversity is both exciting and enticing to a budding evolutionary biologist. Being able to work with such well preserved specimens would be an honour, especially as someone who has looked at zoological exhibitions from behind a glass screen over a dozen times! Working in the Natural History Museum would also be a privilege, as I have a great respect for this institution that has allowed the public to engage with such impressive zoological specimens for over 100 years. I am eager to take part in novel research that will progress the field in new directions, while also improving my skills to aid my future career.