Name: Ella Aeron-Thomas
Phone Number: 07999534899
Degree: Marine and Freshwater Biology
Department: School of Life Sciences
Institution: University of Glasgow
Year of Study in September 2018: [788] Expected Grade: [797]

Please outline why you wish to be considered for this placement:

I have always been fascinated by the diversity of life of aquatic organisms and the processes driving the evolution of species. As such I have found myself interested in adaptive radiations, specifically the evolution of optimal characteristics that suit different niches in the environment. More precisely, the processes underscoring the complexity and adaptability of life that is exceedingly relevant to understanding the world around us. Furthermore, I would find exploring the evolution behind these adaptive radiations in Catfish intriguing due to the high morphological and physiological diversity exhibited in these species, such as air-breathing in sharp-toothed catfish and fish adapted for long migrations like the dorado catfish. Additionally the presence of convergent evolution is another interesting area that appeals to me, due to how the same or similar traits can have resulted from entirely different evolutionary events.

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