Academics Directory
Human behavioural ecology, cultural evolution, China,
Evolution of reproductive scheduling and menopause, kinship and marriage systems, evolution of cultural norms, including religion and witchcraft beliefs.
I work mainly on assessing human and climatic impacts on some of the world’s most important freshwater ecosystems, including Lake Baikal and the Aral Sea in central Asia, and the Okavango Delta in southern Africa. Key to much of this work is the use biological organisms and stable isotopes to reconstruct past environments.
Air pollution, London air quality, public health, climate, numerical modelling, science communication, Earth observations, space sector pollution.
predictive toxicology, pharmaceuticals in the environment, fish physiology, comparative pharmacology, computational biology
genome evolution, genome architecture, animal phylogenetics, hypervariable species
Pollution, Plastics, Chemicals, Endocrine disruption, Mixtures, Ecosystem services, Transition to a bioeconomy, Systems thinking, Planetary health
evolutionary biology, comparative developmental biology, comparative evolutionary genomics, epigenomics, invertebrate zoology, annelids
-> Extreme weather and climate
-> Climate change
-> Glacier-climate interactions
-> Hydroclimatic monitoring and modelling
biodiversity, community ecology, macroecology, coexistence theory, network theory, statistical ecology, microbial ecology, forest ecology, functional ecology
Ore deposits, fluid inclusions, economic geology, critical metals, igneous petrology, magmatic-hydrothermal processes.
My research activity concentrates on understanding the key biological processes that maintain biodiversity. In other words, what acts as the glue to hold ecosystems together? I am particularly interested in the factors that determine species abundance in space and time. There is a particular emphasis on diverse plant communities such as tropical forests, but group member have also studied bacteria, protist and vertebrate communities.
Topic keywords:
theoretical ecology; evolutionary ecology; coexistence; spatial patterns; spatial statistics; competition; predation; community ecology; functional diversity;
Taxonomic groups of interest:
Annual plant communities
Tropical plant communities
Lichen ecology of London
Sustainable resource management, waste management, biorefinery system design, organic waste valorisation, circular economy, systems thinking
Brains adapting to environmental stress
epigenetics of rapid adaptation
Captivity stress and domestication
Pollution stress
New world monkeys and grey squirrels
My research focuses on the investigation time-scales of magmatic processes and pre-eruptive magma degassing conditions at active volcanoes, magmatic processes at subduction zones, lithosphere evolution and relationships between magmatism and tectonics. I approach these problems using geochemical analysis and micro-analytical techniques.
Biodiversity, invasive species, climate change, speciation, biogeography, macroevolution, conservation
My research focusses on the behavioural ecology of migratory fish. I work principally on European eel and brown trout / sea trout, employing acoustic telemetry and sonar technologies in field environments to improve our understanding of fish behaviour. I am particularly interested in the responses of diadromous fish to environmental stimuli (e.g. hydrodynamics, acoustics) and how these can be used to develop more effective fish guidance and passage technologies.
I conduct applied research and have a strong interest in translating findings into real world management applications. Broadly, my work is directed towards developing robust and practical solutions to mitigate for the impacts of anthropogenic structures (e.g. weirs, dams, water pumps and hydropower) on fish populations and facilitate the free movement of migratory fish. I work closely with partners at University College London, relevant public bodies (Environment Agency, Cefas), industry (water and power) and environmental NGOs (Wild Trout Trust, The Rivers Trusts, Atlantic Salmon Trust, Wildlife Trusts).
Molecular imprinting, drug delivery, diagnostics, environmental monitoring, biosensors, polymers, nanomaterials
Human-wildlife conflict and coexistence; history of conservation science; crocodilians; wildfire in Africa, and Mediterranean-type ecosystems; bioinvasions, rewilding.
Flood risk management modelling and policy, Extreme heat management and policy, Climate change adaptation science and decision-making, Environmental science and policymaking, Experts judgement and decision-support tools
Echinoderms, deuterostomes, Cambrian explosion, Ediacara biota, evolution, palaeobiology, digital morphology, computational functional analysis
Phenotypic plasticity, life-history evolution, mate choice, ecological speciation, sexual selection, natural selection, behavioural ecology, livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae), stick insects, mammals
Biogeochemical controls on planetary habitability; terrestrial exoplanet characterisation, atmospheric dynamics, land/ocean/atmospheric feedbacks; biosignatures
Pond landscape conservation and restoration, Lowland river and lake restoration ecology, especially rewilding approaches, Palaeoecology of lakes and ponds with a special focus on conservation, Acoustic ecology of freshwaters and application to citizen science, Ecology of the European Eel, Ecology and conservation of the Crucian Carp, Engaging the public with aquatic conservation, Ecology and management of aquatic invasive species, Aquatic-terrestrial linkages, especially for ponds.
Water risk, Water security, Sustainable water resources, Groundwater, Surface water, Water contamination, Soil and water salinity, Water and public health, GIS and remote sensing, Hydroinformatics, Earth Observation, Groundwater modelling, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa